Monday, October 30, 2006

Music Review: Garden State Soundtrack

The Garden State Soundtrack is a return to the great movie soundtracks. Its songs are a perfect blend of melody and emotion.


Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

This DVD is great. The Great Pumpkin is so fun to watch and has a great lesson in believing in all things.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

TV: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

I am so tired of people bashing Studio 60. Its no West Wing, Sorkin istrying to hard. Blah Blah Blah. First its not meant to be West Wing and second Sorkin is Sorkin. From someone who sick of Reality Shows(which by the way there no such thing) Its great see a decent drama.

There are what three of four Law & Order and three CSIs. For all its Freshman woes at least Studio 60 is orignal.

LOST: The Complete Second Season

LOST Season 2 was great. The writing the superb. The discovery of the Hatch and all its mysteries will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Favorite Episode: What Kate Did-Amazing writing.

Favorite Backstory-Rose and Bernard-they wonderful minor characters.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

North by Northwest

North by Northwest is a very good movie. It was probably be the only Hitchcock I will ever review. I am a wimp and the others are just to much for me.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

The New Blockbuster Online

For months now Blockbuster has been promoting the launch of a new site. Bigger, better faster type thing. It finally it was up yesterday. I must say it did look good. However that is where it ended. Moving things in the Q was nearly impossible. Removing something required a right click then took another two minutes. Every other time you go do anything you timed out. I haven't timed out since I ran a 28K moderm.

Note to Blockbuster if you are going to promote something for 6 months, when you do put it out, Get it right.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Simpsons-The Complete Third Season

This is a great Season of the Simpsons. The show that was just hitting its stride at this point and has never let up. Favorite episodes-Radio Bart and Lisa the Greek.


Friends-The Complete Teneth Season

Friends the Comeplete Teneth Season is really really good. The fact that it is my favorite TV show makes me a little bias but just a little. The season of a show can at times be a letdown but the last season of Friends had some great episodes. It really came full circle. That last episode was one for the ages.
