Monday, May 19, 2008

A Few Words on Indy 4

I've heard this bombed at Cannes but we'll see how the fans feel a week from now...True fans will feel differently I am sure

27 Dresses

This movie is fun. A great story of the looks at how love is miserable sometimes. A great ending.


The Ex

A great movie that I think has been overlooked. The cast was good and Jason Bateman is always good.


American Gangster

This movie had a great cast but the story was so slow. Washington and Crowe were good but were wasted on a slow story.


Regin Over Me

I truly liked this movie. Excellent take on 9/11 and how some handled it. Adam Sandler is great.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Music Review:Juno B-Sides: Almost Adopted Songs

Juno B-Sides is a complication of songs by the same arytists on the main soundtrack. It is just great. It includes a song written by Diablo Cody. Juno B-Sides: Almost Adopted Songs can be found only at ITunes.

Michael Clayton

This movie was very well acted by George Clooney. The movie was strange at times the story shifted from Clayton life in debet to the lawsuit issue. Just when you think you understand one it turns to the other.

I can't understand why Tilda Swinton won the Oscar. She was barely in the movie.
