Thursday, September 20, 2007

Music Review:Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Live at Radio City

Although a big Dave Mattews fan, I hadn't been overly impressed by his stuff of late. I felt he was trying to hard to be "the big rock star." With this new live CD I think he has gone back(at least for the moment) to what he does best which is just playing good music. He and Tim Reynolds just sound amazing.


Freedom Writers

Freedom Writers is a good movie albeit an old story. How many movie can be made about street kids who make good? I do enjoy Hilary Swank, but not Patrick Dempsy. Although he is TV's golden boy at the moment I find him flat and annoying.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Across The Universe - Trailer

This is going to be amazing.

My New Toy

Cosby Show-The Complete First Season

The Cosby Show when there were sitcom on TV. A classic show with one the best casts ever esembled. My only complaint of the DVD is that is not uncut.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Six Degreees of Seperation

You can easily see the greatest Will Smith will become in this movie. You can feel he is con the second he says a word but yet you want almost need to believe in him.
