Wednesday, November 23, 2005

On Beauty

A great book by Sadie Smith. Takes a bit to get into but well worth it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanksgiving Movies

1. Batman Begins

2. Toy Story

3. Breakfast at Tiffany's

4. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

5. The Notebook

6. Elf

Review will follow.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Upcoming Movies

1. Batman Begins

2. Elf

3. Polar Express

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Star Wars Episode III

Before seeing this movies I was told it was better the last two, but then I was told second was better that first and well it wasn't. So while I was excited to see this I was guarded as well.

Right from the beginning we see that Ankian has become a good Jedi Knight, although still a little over earger though. After defeating and doing away with Count Dooku the Chancellor is quite pleased with Ankian. When they return we learn that Padme is expecting and even though he seems happy you can see Ankian is quite uneasy. He begins having nightmares of his wife dying in childbirth.

Meanwhile the Chancellor rewards Ankian for saving him by putting him on the coucil. Though pleased Ankian soon realizes his mentor has a motive. The Chancellor wants him to spy on the council. Obi Wan is sent into battle by the Chancellor which gives him a chance to start turning Ankian to the darkside. He tells him only a Jedi from the darkside can prevent certain death.

The final battle between Obi Wan and Ankian is epic, the stuff true Star Wars is made of. All through the movie I felt a little torn. I knew in the end Ankian turned evil but I almost hoped somehow he would. But then I know without him becoming Dath Vador the true Star Wars movies never happen.

I really like this movie, and best part its a perfect lead in I will never need to watch the first two again.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

On the Waterfront

I didn't know what to expected from this movie. I'd seen very little of Marlon Brando with the exception of the Godfather. Yes he was The Godfather but overall had a very small role. So On the Waterfront was really my first chance to see him.

His character of Terry Malloy was incredile. Terry is just starting work on the waterfront in the 'union' when he asked get a fellow worker onto the roof. A few moment the falls to his death. People start asking questions including the dead man's sister. While trying to get Terry to tell her the truth about that night they fell in love. Which makes it even harder for Terry to hide what he knows.

The cast, the acting all amazing. Brando was true greatness.


Big Fish

Big Fish was one of the greatest movies to watch. Edward Bloom always tells a story of how of the day his son Will was born he caught a giant fish with his wedding ring. Not to long into the we learn that the story and many others Edward tells is a big fish story. A magical adventure worth every minute. You reealed in right from the start.
