Friday, October 28, 2005

His Girl Friday

Cary Grant is great to watch. The thing that impresses me most about these old movies is the strong women characters; the way they talk walk and dress. It is true that Grant's character got his way in the end but I think that is why he loved Hildy so much because she could keep with him.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Roman Holiday

I am getting into old movies. The latest being Romam Holiday. It was wonderful Hepburn and Peck were amazing. The most impressive thing I found was how strong Hepburn's character was. You think of women in that time period as being seen not heard.


Friday, October 21, 2005

The Cat Who Went Banannas

This is great rainy day get cozy book about a man, his cats and small town...really liked it. Its a series too there are something 27 more installments.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Empire Records

My fourth of four movies last week. It wasn't a bad movie at all, but I didn't finish it. I lost my movie stream. From what I did see of it it was your typical record store slacker movie.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Avatitor

The Avatitor is the story of Howard Huhges. Going into this movie I knew nothing of the man. It was quite an education to say the least. He lived his way, rich hard and fast. A great movie with a superb cast.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Garden State

I've been waiting to see Garden State for a while so my expectations were high. At the start of the movies seeing the main character Andrew(Zach Braff) open his medicine to what looked a drug store I thought I'd just be seeing a two hour drug trip. My fears were almost realized when ten minutes later he was getting high at a party. To my delight however it was anything but the drug fest I'd feared.

Andrew was returning after nine years for his mother's funeral. To avoid dealing with his past(and his father) Andrew meets some old friends and a new love in the form of Sam (Natelie Portman)

Well worth the time 7/10